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Kursus Bahasa Inggris Menyenangkan Dipandu Pengajar English Café

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Memperkenalkan Guru - Guru di English Café - Kursus Bahasa Inggris Terbaik di Bali

ECT-I Gede Murta

I Gede Murta, S.Pd



Latest Qualification

Bachelor degree of English education in Mataram University

I really like the moment when the students able to understand and use the lessons that they got. I like to see students’ smile because I can truly know that they enjoy the learning process. I truly believe, by teaching I am going to “live” forever.


Writing, Reading (short stories or pretty much anything interesting), Playing Basketball, and Travelling

ECT-I Putu Harris Mardiana

I Putu Harris Mardiana, S.Pd



Latest Qualification

Bachelor degree of English education in Mahasaraswati University Denpasar

Making fun and sharing laugh together while studying would always be unforgettable teaching moments. In my point of view, teaching is not only delivering the materials or making the students’ understood about what they have learned, but also more than that, it is how we make them enjoy the learning process so they can explore their creativities and ideas to create their own learning styles.


Watching movies and playing futsal

ECT-I Gede Surya Arta Darma

I Gede Surya Arta Darma, S.Par



Latest Qualification

Bachelor Degree of Tourism Destination in Udayana University.

The students enjoy the class, they are having fun, they are able to understand the module and implement it. So, I am as their teacher feel so happy cause I can help them to improve their English. And they didn’t forget me and stay to keep contact with me.


Playing Chess, Playing Music Instrument, and Travelling.

ECT-Fitri Nurjanti

Fitri Nurjanti, S.Psi



Latest Qualification

  • Bachelor degree of Psychology in Wangsa Manggala University Yogyakarta,
  • Master of Missiology in STMiss Yogyakarta.

I like the moments when my students and I find difficulties, then we search together to find answers. The connection such so make me feel that the relation between teachers and students are bond by the hunger of knowledge. Because for me, teacher is not the smartest people in the world, but teacher is people who love to learn and then love to share the knowledge that they know to the people. As the knowledge will change the world to be a better world.


Writing (books, novels, and philosophy), photography, and travelling.

ECT-I Made Indra Divayana

I Made Indra Divayana, A.Md


Latest Qualification

Diploma III of English Program at Udayana University.

I love the moment when my students smile or even laugh. I like it when they enjoy the lesson. I want to share my knowledge and experience to improve them. By teaching, I feel like that my deepest fear which is “forgotten” will not come true. Yes…eventually everybody will forget about me but at least somebody out there will still remember about the lesson that I have taught, the experience that I have shared or even the jokes that I have made.


I like watching movies especially English movies (Die hard 3, Ironman, Sixth Sense, Unbreakable Fast & Furious etc), reading comic books (my favorite books are Naruto, Dragon Ball, Detective Conan, and Kung fu Boy) , drawing and playing football.

Solusi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Bintang 5 untuk Pelajar, Umum, Karyawan dan Perusahaan.

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