Our Teacher Profile

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english cafe teacher gede murta


  • Name :

I Gede Murta a.k.a Mr Gede

  • TOEFL Score : 533
  • Hobbies :

Writing, Reading (short stories or pretty much anything interesting), Playing Basketball, and Travelling

  • Favourite Subjects :

Speaking and Writing in English, Environment, Social, Education and Culture

  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments :

I really like the moment when the students able to understand and use the lessons that they got. I like to see students’ smile because I can truly know that they enjoy the learning process. I truly believe, by teaching I am going to “live” forever.

english cafe teacher desak putrini



  • Name :

Desak Putri a.k.a Miss Desak

  • TOEFL Score : 527
  • Hobbies :

Sports (Yoga), chill out, travelling, and listen to music

  • Favourite Subjects :

Learn about grammar and learning about teaching style (Tsol)

  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments

When i taught one of French student, we were playing lots of games and the student loved it so much.


english cafe teacher venny chrisna

  • Name :

Venny Chrisna Dewi a.k.a Miss Ina

  • TOEFL Score : 547
  • Hobbies :

Writing, Swimming, Crafting, Reading (novels), Sunbathing, and Travelling

  • Favourite Subjects :

Grammar, phonetic, and classroom management

  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments

when I can make my (very) quiet student participated in the teaching-learning process. That very moment made me so emotional because I really wanted him to participate.


english teacher widya adnyani

  • Name :

Widya Adnyani a.k.a Miss Widya

  • TOEFL Scores : 550
  • Hobbies :

Cooking, listening to music, watching movies, reading (inspirational books), travelling, learning different cultures, teaching the unfortunate children as well as gardening

  • Favourite Subjects :

Art and Literature, English (Listening, Writing, and Speaking)

  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments

I was once assigned to a school for teaching practice for about 3 months. I handled one class occupied by almost 25 students.  They are all unique in their own way with different characters, background and various level of competence. It was a challenging thing for me at first, but then as I applied my teaching theories, techniques and experiences I got from the college, the students gradually enjoyed my class. I combined fun games, music, interesting videos, and many other things into my teaching. I taught with heart and passion and tried to give the students new experiences in learning English. For almost 3-month teaching, I got a great bond with each student and saw improvement not only in their academic performance but also attitude and mindset. I was a blessed teacher for having them in my class. Then the best and deepest thing happened on my last day at school. It was supposed to be a normal farewell day, but as soon as I finished my goodbye-speech, they began to stand up and sing a song for me. We all burst in tears; so sad and happy at the same time. Teaching them has been a wonderful experience for me that I would never forget.


english cafe teacher risti astini

  • Name :

Risti Astini a.k.a Miss Risti

  • TOEFL Score : 530
  • Hobbies :

Reading, Writing, Travelling, Listening to Music

  • Favourite Subjects :

Psychology, Literature, English (Speaking and Listening)

  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments

When I can provoke a very quiet student to speak up by asking them to tell about their interest, and when I can make the students laugh during the lesson because it means they enjoyed the learning process).

english cafe teacher verayanti utami

  • Name :

Verayanti Utami a.k.a Miss Vera

  • TOEFL Score : 527
  • Hobbies :

Reading and Broadcasting

  • Favourite Subjects :


  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments

For me, all classes and students have their own unique side. All of them give me different and unforgettable moments.

english teacher rien damayanti

  • Name :

Rien Damayanti a.k.a Miss Rien

  • TOEFL Score : 537
  • Hobbies :

Reading, Listening to Music, and Travelling.

  • Favourite Subjects :


  • Most Memorable Teaching Moments

Making new friendships with the students.

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