Contoh Percakapan di Restaurant [Ending a Restaurant Meal]

Gede Murta

Kali ini saya akan menampilkan bagaimana cara menghadapi pelanggan yang akan membayar makanannya (Biasanya disebut dengan Ending a Restaurant Meal). Cocok banget nih buat kalian yang sedang atau akan memutuskan bekerja di dunia hospitality. Selamat menyimak 🙂

Server: Can I clear these plates and get them out of your way?
Alvin: Sure, we’re all done. Can I get the rest of that in a doggie bag?
Server: No problem. I’ll wrap it up for you. Is there anything else I can get you? Did you leave room for dessert? How about some coffee or tea?
Alvin: No, I’m stuffed. Just the check for me, thanks.
Server: Sure, coming right up.

Server: Here’s your check. I’ll take that when you’re ready.
Alvin: Do you accept personal checks?
Server: No, I’m afraid we don’t.
Alvin: How about credit cards?
Server: Yes, we do accept credit cards.
Alvin: Here’s my Discover card.
Server: Oh, we don’t accept that one.
Alvin: Okay, here’s my American Express.
Server: Sorry, but we don’t take that one either. We only accept Visa or MasterCard.
Alvin: I don’t have a Visa or MasterCard.
Server: We also accept cash, of course.
Alvin: I don’t have any cash on me. Is there an ATM nearby?
Server: There’s one about three blocks away, but you’ll need to leave something with us so we know you’re not running out on the check.
Alvin: How about my doggie bag?
Server: How about your cell phone or your driver’s license?
Alvin: Okay, here’s my cell phone. I’ll be back ASAP.
Server: No rush. I’ll be right here making a few calls to Bora Bora.

Nah itu tadi contoh percakapan Ending a Restaurant Meal. Gimana? Sudah pede untuk menghadapi tamu yang mau membayar makanannya?

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Gede Murta

Gede Murta

Menghabiskan waktu 10 tahun untuk mengajar bahasa inggris. Bagi saya mengajar adalah salah satu cara berbagi ilmu dan hidup "abadi". Berbagi ilmu tentang program IELTS dan TOEFL Preparation, General English, ESP atau English for Specific Purposes adalah sesuatu yang fun.

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